Green Initiative PDF Print E-mail



Prince Chemical Corporation is committed to providing as many "Green" Chemicals and products as possible. Whenever you see the Green emblem shown above, it signifies that the chemical product that it's next to is “Green” by the following definitions:

Contains only biodegradable detergents

Contains no phosphates

Has a pH greater than 2 and less than 12.5

Has a flash point greater than 140° F

Contains no "RCRA" listed ingredients

Contains no "SARA 313" ingredients

The term "Green," when used to describe our non-chemical products, means that the product contains, or is completely composed of recycled materials.

We concentrate our resources on protecting our environment through maximum use of non-hazardous chemicals and waste minimization. When you see our Green Emblem next to a product you know that it is both effective and Earth-Friendly. Use these products with the satisfaction of knowing you are helping us make this a cleaner world in which to live.

When you see the recycle emblem above, it means that the product is recyclable.

To view the complete list of our Green chemicals & products, click here.

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